Basic Beliefs Of Islam

Basic Beliefs Of Islam

Islam is one of the biggest religions in the world, with more than a billion people following it. It is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the messages in the Holy Qur’an, which is the holy book of Islam. Islam gives Muslims a complete way to live their lives. This way of life is built on important beliefs, called the “Articles of Faith” or Basic Beliefs of Islam. These beliefs help Muslims understand their world and guide their relationship with Allah, the Creator. Knowing these beliefs is important for anyone who wants to learn more about Islam and its followers.

Basic Beliefs Of Islam

The Basic Beliefs Of Islam include believing in one Allah, who is powerful and kind. Muslims believe that Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the last prophet who was sent to teach and guide people about the oneness of Allah. They follow the Holy Quran, which is the holy book given by Allah. Muslims also believe in angels and the Day of Judgment where everyone will be judged. They believe that everything happens because of Allah’s plan. These Basic Beliefs of Islam guide how Muslims live and worship.

1. Belief in Allah (Tawhid)

The heart of Islam is the belief in the oneness of Allah, known as Tawhid. This concept of oneness separates Islam from other religions and defines that there is only one Almighty Allah, who is the Creator of the universe and everything within it. Allah is eternal, all-powerful, and all-knowing, with no partners, equals, or associates.

For Muslims, the belief in Allah is a guiding principle that affects every aspect of their lives. Muslims turn to Allah in prayer, seeking guidance, mercy, and forgiveness. They believe that nothing happens without Allah’s will, and everything in the universe operates according to His command. The Basic Beliefs of Islam say that Allah is kind, fair, and loving, but also expects people to be responsible for what they do.

The Tawhid also highlights the importance of worshipping Allah only. This is reflected in the first part of the Shahada (Islamic declaration of faith): “There is no god but Allah.” It helps remind Muslims every day to live their lives according to Allah’s will.

2. Belief in Angels (Mala’ika)

In Islam, angels (Mala’ika) play an important role as unseen beings created by Allah from light. They act as messengers and servants of Allah, carrying out His commands and communicating His revelations to the prophets. Angels do not possess free will, and they do not commit sins. Their only job is to serve Allah and carry out the tasks He gives them.

Some of the most well-known angels in Islamic tradition include:

  • Jibreel (Gabriel): The angel responsible for delivering Allah’s Messages to the prophets. He brought the Holy Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is considered one of the most important angels in Islam.
  • Mikail (Michael): The angel responsible for providing sustenance, such as rain and crops.
  • Israfil: The angel who will blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgment to signal the end of the world and the resurrection of the dead.
  • Azrael: The angel of death who separates souls from bodies.

The Basic Beliefs of Islam include that angels play an important role. Muslims believe that angels are always watching over people and keeping track of their actions, both good and bad. These records will be reviewed on the Day of Judgment, so Muslims need to be careful of how they act. And recite the Holy Quran daily which is beneficial.

3. Belief in the Prophets (Anbiya)

Prophethood is another important aspect of the Basic Beliefs of Islam. Muslims believe that Allah chose some individuals to serve as prophets (Anbiya) to guide people to the truth. These prophets were sent to different communities throughout history to deliver Allah’s message and help people to follow the right path.

Muslims believe in all the prophets mentioned in the Holy Qur’an and previous scriptures, including Adam (A.S), Noah (A.S), Ibrahim (A.S), Mosaa (A.S), and Isa (A.S). However, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet. His life and teachings, along with the Holy Qur’an, serve as a comprehensive guide for Muslims.

The role of the prophets was to remind people of the oneness of Allah, to teach them how to live moral lives, and to prepare them for the afterlife. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is especially important because he is the last Prophet and brought the final message from Allah, which is the Holy Quran. Following his teachings and examples, known as the Sunnah, is essential for Muslims. They try to live their lives just as he did, in every way possible.

4. Belief in Divine Books (Kutub)

One of the fundamental Basic Beliefs of Islam is the belief in the divine scriptures (Kutub) revealed by Allah to guide humanity. Over time, Allah sent down several books through His prophets, each serving as guidance for different communities. These scriptures include:

  • The Torah: Given to  (Musa, PBUH).
  • The Psalms (Zabur): Given to (Dawud, PBUH).
  • The Gospel (Injil): Given to (Isa, PBUH).
  • The Holy Qur’an: Given to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Muslims believe that earlier holy books were changed or lost over time, but the Holy Quran has stayed the same since it was revealed. They see the Quran as the final and most complete holy book that offers guidance on everything in life, from spiritual matters to moral values and laws.

For Muslims, the Qur’an is not just a holy book; it is the direct word of Allah which will remain unchanged. They recite it during prayers, think about its messages, and follow its guidance in their everyday lives. The Qur’an is viewed as the main source of hope and helps Muslims understand what Allah wants for them.

5. Belief in the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah)

One of the important components of the Basic Beliefs of Islam is the belief in the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah). Muslims believe that life on earth is temporary and that one day the world will come to an end. At this time, all human beings will be resurrected, and Allah will judge each individual based on their deeds during their lifetime.

On this day, all actions will be accounted for. People will be rewarded or punished according to their actions. Those who follow the right path and follow Allah’s guidance will be rewarded with eternal bliss in Paradise (Jannah). On the other hand, those who rejected faith or committed evil will face punishment in Hell (Jahannam).

Believing in the Day of Judgment motivates Muslims to live good and honest lives. It also gives them hope and comfort, as they trust that everyone will be judged fairly and that any struggles they face now will be rewarded on the day of judgment.

6. Belief in Allah’s Plan (Al-Qadr)

The belief in Allah’s Plan (Al-Qadr) is a complex yet important aspect of the Basic Beliefs of Islam. Muslims believe that Allah knows about each and everything that happens in the universe. He has already planned everything, but people still have the freedom to make their own choices. Believing in predestination means Allah knows everything that will happen and people are still accountable for their own decisions.

 The concept of Al-Qadr teaches Muslims to trust in Allah’s plan, even when faced with hardship. It encourages patience, hope, and faith that everything happens for a reason. Muslims are taught to strive for good and avoid evil while accepting that some things are beyond their control.


Why is belief in Allah important in Islam?

Belief in Allah is the most important part of Islam because Allah is the only one who created everything. This belief is the foundation of a Muslim’s faith and their connection with Allah.

How do these beliefs affect a Muslim’s daily life?

These beliefs affect everything in a Muslim’s life. They guide how Muslims pray, how they treat other people, and how they make decisions. They also help Muslims understand their purpose and what they should do in life.

How do Muslims prepare for the Day of Judgment?

Muslims get ready for the Day of Judgment by following the teachings of Islam, doing good things, asking for forgiveness for their mistakes, and trying to live in a way that makes Allah happy.


The Basic Beliefs of Islam form the foundation of a Muslim’s faith. Belief in Allah, the angels, the prophets, the divine books, the Day of Judgment, and Allah’s Plan shape the way Muslims view the world and their place in it. These beliefs not only guide Muslims in their worship and daily life but also offer a clear sense of purpose and help them face the challenges of life with faith and understanding. For Muslims, these beliefs are lived realities that shape every aspect of their existence. Understanding the Basic Beliefs of Islam offers insight into the depth of Islamic spirituality and the connection Muslims have with Allah. 

Must Read: Importance Of Quran


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